Category: Articles (page 9 of 13)

More of the Colosseum open to the public

As a recent article in La Repubblica explains, visitors to the Colosseum will now be able to see more of the ancient amphitheater.  Recently opened to the public for the first time are the subterranean areas where gladiators and animals waited before their fights.  From the bottom to the top:  also opened is one of the highest tiers from which one can see the whole theater and also stunning views of Rome.

Biking in Italy

Italy has a long tradition of bike riding:  a recent article in the New York Times reported on a quaint Tuscan bike race in which all participants ride vintage bicycles and wear old-fashioned clothes and goggles.  City-dwelling Italians, however, have a harder time using bicycles as a means of transportation.  A survey finds that there are few bike paths in Italian cities.  The number does seem to be growing, particularly in northern cities.  Perhaps the motorino’s dominance will be supplanted?  Meanwhile, starting October 12th all nocturnal cyclists must wear a fluorescent vest so as to be visible…

Ideas for a short stay in Rome

In a New York Times article from the “36 Hours In…” series Rome is high-lighted.  There are good suggestions mixing the well-known and the new.  Interesting new bars, gelaterie and restaurants are suggested as are visits to the contemporary arts museum Maxxi and the recently refurbished Palazzo Borghese galleries.  For a short visit to Rome, especially if you’ve been there before, these are great ideas.

The spritz travels from Venice

An article in the New York Times discusses the growing popularity outside of Italy of Venice’s quintessential aperitivo the “spritz.”  The basic drink is a mix of white wine and sparkling mineral water topped with an aperitif such as Aperol or Campari.  In the Veneto one can find myriad versions, from refreshing to seriously strong.  In New York several bars have their own variations – ranging from the traditional to the fruity to the addition of egg whites…

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