Year: 2010 (page 7 of 11)

The best gelaterie in Italy

If you’re traveling in Italy and are looking for delicious artisanal gelato this article from Corriere della Sera discusses some of the best gelaterie throughout the country.  There are those that specialize in traditional flavors, like chocolate, hazelnut and fruit.  Then there are those that propose more unusual combinations ranging from cashew with beer to basil to… gorgonzola.  Worth trying out!

Italy’s newest coffee-trend

According to this article in Corriere della Sera the newest coffee-trend sweeping Italy is crema ghiacciata.  It’s half-way between a gelato and a shake.  It sounds delicious – and high-calorie.

Watch the World Cup final match

Italiano per tutti watches the World Cup final on July 11 at 2:30.  Learn vocabulary – from the technical to the more colorful with tifosi italiani.  Contact us at for information and to reserve a space – group size is limited!

Exhibition visit at the Met Museum followed by drinks and chiacchiere

Join us Friday June 25th at 6:00 pm at the Metropolitan Museum as we view the exhibition “An Italian Journey:  Drawings from the Tobey Collection, Correggio to Tiepolo.”  We will meet at the entrance to the exhibition.  The tour will be followed by drinks and chiacchiere in italiano.

Please contact us at for more information or to reserve a space.  Group size is limited.

Fee:  $15

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